You must pass fourth step
We will credit your account with $ 100,000
You will receive 30% profit
Drawdown no more than 2%
  • To participate in the second stage, you must go through step 4
  • $ 100,000 is credited to your account
  • You will receive 50% of the profit (the maximum earnings are not limited)
  • Drawdown no more than 2%
  • Leverage 1: 5
  • To go to the fifth stage, you need to earn $ 30,000
  • The minimum working time is six months.
  • The payment of the earned funds is carried out when moving to the next stage
  • Attention: the transition to the next stage is carried out at this page

Complete List of Stage Five Rules

It is prohibited to deposit your own funds into an investor account!
You can trade with your own funds in a separate account on normal terms.
Investment program levels
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