Client's trading account. Trading accounts are divided into: real, demo and contest accounts.
As a rule, brokers on the FOREX market open accounts of the following types for their clients: Cash (without providing a brokerage loan), Margin (with the possibility of providing a brokerage loan and, accordingly, with the possibility of conducting transactions such as "short sale" and "buy with leverage") ... American brokers can also provide accounts of the following types: Option (for trading options), Custody (by proxy - for example, in favor of minors), IRA (retirement), Joint (joint).
In our company, clients can choose multicurrency accounts in the following currencies: USD - standard account in dollars; USC - account in cents.
Also, when opening a trading account, a client can request an account without calculating swaps (Swap-Free Account).
Account history
This is information about all the actions performed with any Forex account. This can be profit, loss, credit, deposit, and more.
The account history is needed for an objective analysis of the concluded transaction and tracking the Forex account in real time. In addition, the account history allows you to evaluate in detail the effectiveness of a trader's trading strategy over a long period and identify all its strengths and weaknesses. The account history is a detailed database of all traders' trading operations. Based on all the accumulated information, the trader has the opportunity to extract a lot of useful information from this opportunity.
After-hours trading
Conclusion of transactions for the purchase and sale of assets at inopportune hours, which is currently available only to professional market participants and the largest clients.
Usually on the FOREX market this opportunity is not provided.
Making a profit on price differences of identical financial instruments, in different markets or with different brokers.
The use of arbitrage strategies is prohibited or restricted by most FOREX brokers.
With some reservations, arbitration is allowed when trading on stock exchanges and in large banks (it is recommended to first familiarize yourself with the rules of trading operations).
Arbitrage deal
This is a financial operation, which consists in making a profit from the difference in prices for a certain product in different markets. That is, a product is bought in one market and sold in another market. Profit is formed on the difference in prices for purchased goods in different markets. Arbitration leads to the fact that prices for the same product in different markets will approach each other as the intensity of arbitrage trading increases.
This is due to the fact that buying a product in the market where it costs less, the trader thereby increases the price for it in that market, and selling the previously purchased product in another market where it costs more, he automatically reduces the price of that product.
Please note: Our company does not allow arbitrage transactions based on data from other brokers.
Great price in the quote. The rate at which the bank or broker agrees to sell the asset, and the client can buy the asset.
Asset allocation
The process of compiling an optimal portfolio of instruments of various types (currencies, sktals, indices, stocks, bonds, derivatives, etc.) in order to reduce the overall portfolio risk and maximize the total return.
ATS - Alternative trading systems
The most rapidly developing segment of the market infrastructure in recent years, represented by various computer networks (electronic communication networks or ECNs), which provide the possibility of faster and cheaper access to the market.
The most famous ECNs: Integral, Currenex, CitiFX Pro, Hotspot FX, FastMatch.
The most famous ATS of the stock market: Instinet, SOES, Island, SelectNet, Terra Nova.
Automated trading systems
Automatic trading systems (trading advisors) are computer programs written in a special programming language (MQL, etc.).
Such trading systems operate on trading terminals and are endowed with the functions of independently generating trading signals and opening trading positions based on these signals.
An automatic trading system is able to carry out independent trading, based on the trading algorithm specified for it, without human intervention.
Unlike a human, a trading advisor (robot) is able to trade around the clock, without interruptions. The Expert Advisor is devoid of any emotions that are so inherent in a trader and makes trading decisions only based on the logic of its program.
A strategy for optimizing the average price of an asset in a trader's portfolio by purchasing the required volume and increasing the size of the position already in the portfolio.
Averaging down
A strategy for optimizing the average price of an asset in a trader's portfolio by purchasing the required volume in the event of a price decrease.
To use this strategy, we recommend micro-accounts (with a balance in cents), or accounts with a sufficiently large capitalization.
The use of this strategy is not recommended for novice traders.
Averaging up
A strategy for optimizing the average price of an asset in a trader's portfolio by purchasing the required volume in the event of an increase in the price of an asset.
Backtesting (Testing on historical data)
The process of testing and optimizing trading systems and indicators based on historical data.
The cumulative financial result of all complete completed transactions and operations of depositing / withdrawing funds from the trading account.
Base currency
The monetary unit in which the subaccount, all balances, commission payments and payments are denominated and calculated.
A market participant holding positions in anticipation of a fall in the value of an asset, that is, "playing a fall".
Bear market
A market with a downward trend.
Bid (Bid, offer)
The lower price in the quote. The rate at which a bank or broker agrees to buy an asset and a client can sell that asset.
Big figure (Big figure, Figure)
In dealer jargon, denotes a base number of 100 points.
Binary option
An option that, depending on the fulfillment of the agreed condition at the agreed time, either provides a fixed amount of income (premium), or brings nothing. Since the option is bought in advance at a fixed price, the total is either positive (in the amount of the difference between the premium and the option price) or negative (in the amount of the option value).
Usually we are talking about whether the exchange price of the underlying asset will be higher (or lower) a certain level. A fixed payment is made in case of winning the option, regardless of the degree of price change (how much higher or lower it is).
Binary options allow you to accurately know the size of the payout and possible risks even before the conclusion of the contract, which makes it easier to manage a large number of trading operations.
At IdalForex, you get 90-100% of the profit if the forecast is successful (the premium is 190% of the option value).
Debt issued for more than one year.
Possible issuers: government, states, cities, corporations.
A person or firm that acts as an intermediary between a buyer and a seller, usually charging a fee for a commission.
A market participant holding positions in anticipation of growth, that is, "playing bullish."
Bull market
A market in which there is a tendency for the price of the traded asset to rise.
An operation to buy a certain amount of a financial instrument. That is, buying the base currency in a specific currency pair for the quote currency. This type of financial transaction is one of the most common in all types of financial markets, in which, in order to make a profit, it is necessary to buy and sell financial instruments in order to make a profit as a result of the transactions performed.
Central Bank
Central bank. One of the functions of the Central Bank is to manage foreign exchange reserves, carry out foreign exchange interventions that affect the level of the exchange rate, as well as the level of interest rates on investments in the national currency.
CFD - Contract for difference
Contract for Difference. CFD provides an opportunity to earn money based on fluctuations in the value of the financial asset that this contract provides. In this case, the presence of the asset itself is not required at the disposal of the trader himself. Among the assets that provide a contract for difference are: stocks, various commodities and indices. A trader can earn on the basis of making a profit when opening and closing trades using this financial instrument.
CFDs allow traders with small deposits to perform financial transactions, which significantly increase the opportunities for trading in expensive goods for people who do not have large capital. Contract for Difference has been on the market for several decades. However, it has only recently become widely used. CFDs provide traders with the ability to open both buy and sell trades, which was not available recently for traders who do not have large deposits. Today, the use of CFDs has become widespread due to the quick and easy execution of financial transactions and low transaction fees.
Today, a trader has the opportunity to use leverage, which makes it possible to use larger amounts when conducting trading operations and receive a higher level of profit. Positions are opened in the shortest possible time. When trading CFDs, there is no need for a physical transfer of the asset, which greatly facilitates the work of traders.
Chart (Chart, Graph, Chart)
Graphical display of price changes and other information over time.
An individual or legal entity that concludes conversion arbitration transactions with the Company at the quotes provided by the Company.
Client's log file
A file created by the client terminal, which records with an accuracy of a second all requests and orders sent by the Client to the Dealer.
Legal entity CARMEL INVESTMENTS CONSULTANTS INC., Which ensures the conclusion of transactions and all necessary settlements with the Client in accordance with this agreement.
Completed transaction
Consists of two opposite trading operations with the same volume (opening a position and closing a position): buying followed by selling or selling and then buying.
Contract for currencies
Currency pairs available for trading.
Contract specifications
Basic trading conditions (spread, lot size, minimum trading volume, step of changing the trading volume,
initial margin, margin for locked positions, etc.) for each instrument.
Contrarian (Trader playing against the trend)
A trader playing against a trend created by the majority of market participants. The strategy of his behavior is to make a profit on "rebounds", when market participants understand that the trend has taken them too far and the price of the traded asset is highly overvalued / strongly undervalued.
Conversion arbitrage deal
A transaction between the Company and the Client for the purchase or sale of a contract for currencies, which involves the implementation of at least two opposite transactions for the purchase and sale of a contract of the same volume.
Any form of money that is in circulation.
Currency pair
A trade transaction object that is based on the change in the value of one currency in relation to another.
Data vendors
Specialized firms selling quotes (both historical and real-time), balance sheet data, analyst reports, etc.
This is an employee of this company who processes customer requests, opens and closes transactions and carries out other financial transactions at the request of the company's customers. A dealer is an intermediary through which a trader has the opportunity to trade in the foreign exchange market. The dealer carries out customer requests on his own behalf. The dealer assumes obligations to carry out trading operations at the prices indicated by the clients. All financial transactions carried out by the dealer are carried out at his expense. The dealer works, charging a certain commission for his services, in this his work is a little similar to currency exchangers. The dealer's earnings are calculated as the difference between the buying and selling prices of the financial instrument. In any case, the dealer acts as your counterparty, which means that any financial transactions carried out by the trader will be performed by the dealer.
The money deposited into the account for further operations.
MetaQuotes Software Corp., the creator of the MetaTrader trading platform, one of the best trading platforms in the Forex market. MetaQuotes Software Corp. It is one of the best companies that creates special software for financial markets. The main product put on the market by this company is “MetaTrader”. MetaTrader is a trading software package designed for dealing centers that allows you to trade on Forex, CFD, and Futures markets. The MetaTrader software package has become widespread throughout the world. It is currently used by over 250 companies around the globe. The company began its activity in 2000, and since then it has been rapidly developing, releasing new products on the market that help to successfully trade in the financial markets.
A strategy designed to mitigate risk by allocating capital investments between different assets.
Economic indicator
Statistical data showing general trends in the economy.
Electronic commerce
Selling goods or services over the Internet.
This is an indicator that characterizes the state of a trader's account. The remaining funds in the client's account are calculated in the currency of the deposit. In this case, the positions opened by the client at the moment of calculating the indicator are taken into account.
Equity is very important for determining the state of the client's account at the current moment, taking into account the deals opened by him, since it allows the investor to influence the course of events in time in the event of a very unprofitable situation on the trader's trading account.
Equity is the unsecured part of the Client's sub-account, taking into account open positions, which is related to Balance and Floating (Profit / Loss) by the following formula: Balance + Floating + Swap
Exchange rate
The rate at which a currency can be converted to another foreign currency.
Expert Advisor (Advisor, Expert)
This is a program written in the MQL language that can both analyze charts of exchange rates and conclude transactions without the participation of a person. The EA monitors market trends over a specified period of time. The Forex advisor uses indicators or other analyzers, he himself examines and compares various conditions and market factors, after which, based on the analysis, the adviser opens deals.
The main types of advisors on the FOREX market:
- Trend advisors;
- scalpers and pipers;
- multicurrency advisors;
- Martingale advisors;
- combined advisors.
Expert system
This is a program written in a specialized programming language (MQL, etc.). Basically, such programs are engaged in market analysis and forecasting, as well as structuring and processing large amounts of data.
The main task of such a program is to analyze the primary data and provide the trader with an expert assessment. The trader makes his decision based on the results of the expert system.
Fast marke
The state of the foreign exchange market, in which the movement of the rate for a certain currency pair becomes relatively very fast. This state of the Forex market most often occurs due to the release of the following news in the media:
- Announcement by the heads of central banks of the leading world powers of the interest rate value;
- Publication in the media on the influential economic indicator of any of the economically large countries, the change of which greatly affects the state of the economy;
- Large foreign exchange intervention by influential banks or organizations;
- Press conferences of the heads of financial institutions of the largest economic powers;
- A major natural disaster that caused serious damage to the economy: hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, etc .;
- Accidents at the largest economic enterprises;
- Various types of force majeure of a large scale;
- Conducting major military operations;
- Other events that can significantly affect the global economy.
Federal Reserve Bank
One of 12 regional banks in the United States, authorized to maintain reserves, bank of issue accounts, and provide money to state banks.
Flat (Flat, Plane)
Market condition in which the price of an asset is in a narrow range.
Floating profit / loss
Floating (unrealized) profit / loss on open positions at the current values of quotes.
Force-majeure circumstances
Events that could not have been foreseen or prevented. As a rule, these are: natural disasters; wars; Act of terrorism; actions of the government, legislative and executive authorities; hacker attacks and other illegal actions against servers.
Assessment of future trends through research and analysis of available information.
OTC market, where buyers and sellers conduct foreign exchange transactions.
Fundamental analysis
A type of analysis, the supporters of which try to determine the true value of an instrument depending on inflation, economic news, the economy in general, and other fundamental factors. The behavior strategy is based on the assumption that the market price will sooner or later equal the real one.
Standardized sales or exchange contracts that require the delivery of products, bonds, currencies, at a specified price, on a specified future date.
A break in the price chart or the absence of a price for a financial instrument at some point in time. Gap denotes the absence of any transactions on a particular currency pair at this time. It is rather risky to trade during the period of possible occurrence of gaps, due to the high probability of the absence of a trader who is ready to buy or sell something from you at that time. Most often, the gap can appear on the chart during the period when important economic news is released: a new value of the discount rate, inflation and unemployment, etc. Or during the periods between weekends when the international currency market is closed. Thus, a gap can be observed in the morning, when the market opens after the weekend, when the price may be much higher or lower than the price level that was last fixed after the market closed at the end of the working week. Some markets are more prone to gaps, others less prone. Forecasting the formation of gaps is an important task for a trader, who in most cases should close all open trades. The essential point here is the most accurate tracking of the formation of a gap and the exact time of its likely occurrence. A gap can be an important signal of a trend reversal if the price starts moving in the direction of a gap. This means that important information came to the market that strongly influenced the predictions of traders and investors who are seeking certain actions at that time. If the price returned to its previous state after the formation of a gap, then this indicates an insignificant market fluctuation.
Graphical analysis
Graphical market analysis is based on the assumption that the market is based on human psychology, which is immutable, therefore stable patterns (which are often called patterns or patterns) suitable for use in the past will also work in the future.
It should be noted that technical analysis of the foreign exchange market can be roughly divided into categories, one of which is graphical analysis.
In the black
Professional expression for lucrative transactions.
In the red (At a loss)
Initial margin
Cash collateral required by the Company to open a position.
Any order to open, close or change positions sent through the Client's trading terminal to the server.
The symbol used in trade operations.
In the FOREX market, these are mainly currency pairs and metals (some brokers can provide indices and various CFDs);
In the stock market, stocks, futures, options, indices and other financial assets can be used as instruments.
Interbank rates
1) Exchange rates quoted by large international banks to other large international banks. The difference between the buying and selling rates of currency can be about 0.03-0.08%
2) Weighted average rate of several banks supplying liquidity.
Investment club
A special type of legal entity that is created by a group of private investors (usually relatives, friends or colleagues) solely for the joint investment of personal funds. Provides good opportunities for diversifying the joint portfolio and mutual learning. In the USA, it is exempt from corporate taxes.
IPO - Initial Public Offering (Initial public offering)
The entry into circulation on the market of such securities that were previously inaccessible to investors, for example, the issue of their shares on the stock exchange by a corporation, which was previously a closed joint stock company. In connection with the growing interest in IPOs, even many brokers providing a limited amount of services (discounted and deep discounted brokers) have recently begun to provide their clients with the opportunity to participate in IPOs. However, it should be borne in mind that due to the peculiarities of the legislative regulation of such situations, the broker may require the client to comply with certain conditions when investing in an IPO. Most often, the client is required to continue to hold in his portfolio the securities purchased during the IPO for a certain predetermined period of time.
This is the ratio between the amount of the collateral and the volume of the trade: 1: 1, 1: 5, 1:10, 1:20, 1:40, 1:50, 1: 100, 1: 200. Leverage 1: 200 means that in order to execute a transaction, you must have an amount on the trading account 200 times less than the transaction amount.
Execution of two transactions on one currency pair in both directions of the same volume. That is, one deal is made to sell, and the other to buy. Moreover, their volume is the same.
This strategy is quite often used to “freeze” the current financial result in order to further minimize losses or increase profits.
This strategy is not implemented in the MetaTrader 5 terminal.
Locked positions
Long and short positions of the same volume, opened for the same instrument on the same trading account.
Decrease in capital as a result of losses.
Loss taking
Closing a position after reaching a critical level of losses, regardless of expectations for the further behavior of the asset price.
Highly recommended for novice traders.
1) In the FOREX market - a unit of measurement of the transaction amount;
2) In the stock market - The smallest indivisible volume of a purchase / sale transaction.
Lot size
The amount of base currency in one lot, as defined in the specification of contracts.
The amount of collateral required to provide a guarantee in the course of financial transactions carried out by a trader.
The vast majority of brokerage firms and their platforms for entering financial markets automatically conduct all the necessary types of checks on the requirements set by the brokerage company to the size of the margin.
With a leverage of 1: 100, the required margin for opening a position is equal to 1% of the contract value.
Only when all margin requirements are satisfied, a trader can carry out trading operations, provided with sufficient funds in his account.
Margin level
An indicator characterizing the state of the account. Calculated as (Equity / Margin) * 100%
Margin trading (Margin trading, Trading with margin)
1) Taking both long and short positions using a brokerage loan;
2) Carrying out arbitrage operations with contracts for currencies, as a result of which the volumes of open positions exceed several times the size of the variation margin.
Market Execution
This system will not determine the speed of processing the request, but only the principle of operation, which should bring the order to the market.
If the broker uses this system to execute the order, then this is a guarantee of its execution. At the same time, there is a possibility (albeit insignificant) that the order will be executed by him at a price that at the time of execution will be relevant in the market, and not the one that was indicated on the trader's monitor when he gave the order to open. In this case, the price can be rejected both for the better and for the worse.
In the event that only the fact of entry is more important, and not its accuracy, then it is better for a trader to use the services of a broker working on the Marlet Execution system. This system will save the trader from requotes and allow the broker to process requests and bring them to the market much faster.
Market maker
Large banks and financial companies that determine the current level of the exchange rate due to a significant share of their operations in the total market volume. Market makers set the current level of the exchange rate by conducting transactions with each other and with smaller banks that are users of the market.
Market maker spread
The difference between the prices at which a brokerage firm buys and sells an asset.
Market opening
Resumption of trading after weekends or holidays.
Market order
An order to buy or sell at the best price currently available.
Market price
The last message about the price value at the current time.
Market timing
The collective name for all investment strategies based on active trading in an attempt to exploit both its ups and downs.
Necessary margin (guaranteed cash security)
Required by the Dealer to maintain all positions opened by the trader. This requirement is mandatory for conducting trading operations.
In order to maintain open positions, a trader must first have a sufficient amount on his trading account to open the positions he needs.
The amount of the required margin varies depending on the amount of leverage used by the trader.
So, in the case of a leverage of 1: 100, the required margin will be equal to one percent of the volume of a completed trade. In the case of a leverage of 1 to 50, the margin will be equal to two percent, and so on.
This means that if the broker allows you to use a leverage of 1: 100, in this case, to carry out a trading operation, you need to have an amount of money available that is one hundred times less than the volume of the current transaction.
Neural nets
Computer programs based on the use of artificial intelligence. Due to its self-learning ability, it is widely advertised as a very powerful tool for predicting market behavior. Despite the fact that the statistically reliable effectiveness of their use has not yet been documented, they are selling well.
Nikkei Index
An index of 225 top stocks listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Normal market conditions
1) Market condition satisfying each of the following conditions:
- no significant interruptions in the receipt of quotes in the trading
- lack of rapid price dynamics;
- absence of significant price gaps.
2) Normal market conditions imply price fluctuations, as a result of which there is a change in the magnitude of risks, which makes it necessary to change guarantee claims or other risk control mechanisms by only 1% in time, that is, on average, only 1 trading day out of 100. For example, in the case of a contract For the purchase of an asset, normal market conditions will be those conditions under which there is a price change equal to or greater than the first percentile of the distribution of potential changes in contractual value over a period of time during which risks may accumulate.
Obvious error
Incorrect or inaccurate execution of the Client order by the Dealer: opening or closing of the Client's position at the wrong price, or at a price that significantly differs from the price indicated in the Client's order. An obvious mistake is also considered to be the dealer's inaction in a situation favorable for the execution of the order at the price indicated in it or the Dealer's incorrect determination of the market price level in the required period of time.
Same as Ask
Open position
A market position for which no reverse transaction has been performed at the current time.
Pending order
General name for all types of pending orders. A pending order is an instruction from the Client to make a deal (open a trading position) if the specified in the order are fulfilled.
There are four types of pending orders: Buy Limit, Buy Stop, Sell Limit and Sell Stop.
Position trading
A market behavior strategy in which a trader takes long or short positions for a period from several days to several years.
Price gap
Any of two situations occur:
- Bid of the current quote is higher than Ask of the previous quote;
- Ask of the current quote is less than the Bid of the previous quote.
A price gap occurs when there is a tangible difference between the closing price and the opening price of consecutive chart elements. When looking closely at the price chart, you can see a gap between two chart elements (for example, a candlestick chart). The price gap most often occurs in low-liquid markets, as well as between trading sessions and between weekends. Price gaps can occur due to the release of important news of a fundamental nature.
Price Gap on the Market opening
Any of two situations occur:
- Bid of the market opening quote is higher than the Ask of the market closing quote;
- Ask of the market opening quote is less than the Bid of the market closing quote.
When the market opens, price gaps are quite common, especially in low volatility currency pairs. This is due to changes in the markets due to the possible release of important news of a fundamental nature, or speculative large transactions carried out by large banks or funds.
Price prior to Spike (Price prior to a non-market quote)
The closing price of the minute bar preceding the non-market-quoted minute bar. In other words, this is the most recent price of the product, just before the non-market quotation is released. For a more accurate determination of the price preceding the non-market quote, it is necessary to identify it on the tick chart per second, before the non-market quote appears.
Positive capital gains from an investment or trading transaction after deducting all costs.
Profit-taking (taking profit)
Closing a position after reaching the planned level of profitability, regardless of expectations for the further behavior of the security.
Quotation flow
The sequence of quotes for each instrument entering the trading platform
The highest and lowest actual selling prices of the asset during a given period. This is also referred to as price spread.
Rebound (Rollback, Correction)
1) A change in the direction of price movement in the market after a long-term trend of their rise or fall has led to the fact that market participants consider the prevailing prices too high / too low;
2) Slight price correction within the existing trend.
Recreational investor (Leisure investor)
A type of investor, especially a private investor, who, without realizing it, plays in the market not so much in order to make a profit, but in order to have something to brag about to friends, to "tickle the nerves", etc. It's not that scary in itself, but it's important not to flirt!
Request (Trade request)
The Client's action to obtain the quotation he needs. At the same time, the Client does not undertake to perform any trading operations related to the received quote.
The price level at which active sales can suspend or reverse an upward trend.
It occurs on the Internet in the same forms as in the outside of a computer life: "pyramids" (Ponzi schemes), "letters-chains" (chain letters), etc. Particularly outrageous cases can be found on the US Securities Commission's Web page. It also lists the addresses of organizations where it is recommended to contact if you are faced with a case of potential scam.
Server’s log file
Server-generated file that is accurate to the second
records all requests and orders received from the Client to the Dealer, as well as the result of their processing.
Service systems
Scripts or experts (Expert Advisor) written in a specialized language (MQL, etc.) that are designed to automate certain processes. Such programs run under the control of the trader and perform specialized tasks.
Short (Short, Buy)
Sell or open Sell position.
Opposite of Long
Spam (Spam, Aggressive advertising)
Aggressive advertising by sending bulk advertisements to email addresses. Due to the cheapness of such mailing, unscrupulous advertisers have the opportunity to send their messages to hundreds of thousands and even millions of addresses, where they, naturally, are extremely negatively perceived by recipients. A person engaged in such activities is called a spamster.
Spot (Spot, Cash)
A transaction in which settlements take place on the second business day after the conclusion of the transaction.
The difference between the current buy (Bid) and sell (Ask) prices, expressed in points.
Stock exchange (Stock exchange)
The exchange on which shares and equivalent securities are bought and sold. For example: NYSE and AMEX.
Stop order (Stop order, Stop loss order)
An order to buy or sell a currency at a fixed price or worse. This order is usually placed to limit losses in case the market moves in the opposite direction to the expected one.
Stop-limit order
An order to buy or sell at a specified price or better, but only after the specified price value has been reached. Essentially a combination of a stop order and a limit order.
Stop-loss (Stop loss, stop loss)
Stop order used to limit losses. It is triggered to close a position at a given price value, when it moves towards losses.
Stop-out level
The state of a sub-account, in which open positions are forcibly closed by the Company at the current quotes. The company reserves the right, upon reaching a margin level of 15%, in order to avoid a negative balance in a fast (volatile) market, to liquidate some of the most unprofitable ones. The last position is forcibly liquidated at a margin level of 15%. For deposits over $ 1000, the company can introduce other Margin Call / Stop-out levels - 80% / 60%.
Special personal account for internal accounting opened with the Company
By the Client, which keeps records of the obligations of the Company and the Client that arise from transactions made under this agreement.
Terminal (Client terminal)
Trading terminal used by the company's clients to perform trading operations.
Thin market
A market with low supply and demand. It is characterized by low liquidity, high spread and high volatility.
As a rule, this market condition is typical for the Christmas holidays, national holidays in the G7 countries, as well as between 23:00 Moscow time and 5:00 Moscow time.
A unique number that is set for each pending order or opened trading position in the trading platform. This identification number is required for the correct operation of the trading terminal and related programs. Unique numbers for a trading position or a pending order are required to identify them in the internal hierarchy of the software that allows you to trade in the foreign exchange market, in order to strictly distinguish all your actions.
TIS (Trader - Investor Systems, TIS-accounts)
Trader - Investor System - a system for providing funds to a managing trader. In this case, the profit is divided between traders and the investor in a predetermined proportion.
In this system, manager accounts can be opened without investing their own funds (DEMO), investor accounts can only be real.
Buying or selling marketable assets (currencies, metals, securities, etc.) for future profit.
Trading account
Unique personalized register of accounting of transactions in
the trading platform, which reflects complete completed transactions, open positions, non-trading operations and orders.
Trading server (Trading server, Server)
MetaTrader Server software product, through which
processing of client orders and requests is carried out, providing the Client with information about trading in financial markets in real time (in the amount specified
obligations between the Client and the Dealer, as well as compliance with the terms and conditions.
Trading system
It is a set of rules according to which a trader takes long and / or short positions.
Trailing Stop
This is the following algorithm for managing Stop Loss orders: if profit
for an open position has not exceeded the Trailing Stop value, do not take any action; as soon as the profit for an open position exceeds the Trailing Stop value, send an order to the server to place a Stop Loss order at a distance of the Trailing Stop value from the current price; as soon as a quote is received at a distance exceeding the Trailing Stop value from the placed Stop Loss order,
send an order to the server to change the level of this order, so that it is at a distance of the Trailing Stop value from the current price. Trailing Stop works only when the Client Terminal is running, connected to the Internet and successfully authorized on the server.
A set of trading operations in which funds are transferred from the base currency to the quote currency and vice versa.
Value date
Date of execution of the terms of the transaction, i.e. physical movement of funds. Value dates can only be business days, excluding weekends and holidays for the given currency.
The relative speed at which the price moves up and down. The annual standard deviation of the daily price change is calculated.
1) The number of transactions for a given period of an hour;
2) The number of tiko formulated by the bar for the singing period.
Weak hands (literally, "Weak hands")
A collective term used to refer to those investors who hastily get rid of their securities during short-term falls in their market value.
The so-called "Thin Client" for a trade server. A system that allows you to trade on your account without installing a program on your computer.
For trading, you can use a regular browser, preferably using the following browsers: Google Chrome, Opera and Mozilla Firefox.
Unfortunately Internet Explorer does not support this technology.
Working hours of the Company
The period of time during the working week, within which the trading terminal of the Company provides transactions with standard foreign exchange contracts. The exception is weekends and holidays, temporary changes in the Company's internal regulations, as well as the time during which customer service is impossible for technical reasons. In these cases, the Company is obliged to take all possible measures to notify the Client about the change in the operating mode and enable the Client to eliminate the currency risks arising from this.
Quote currency
The second currency in the designation of the currency pair for which the Client can buy or sell the base currency.
Currency pair
A trade transaction object that is based on the change in the value of one currency in relation to another.
Plotting on a chart that allows you to predict price movement
tools - big
Big index instruments - EURUSDbig, USDCADbig, etc. - designed to get maximum earnings when using bonuses - $ 80 per trading lot. Those. for each lot executed, the client receives $ 80 for a deposit - from bonus funds.
Tools - ecn
The ecn instruments are instruments that we get from the internal overlap system - which connects a large number of brokers. Because no bank commission is paid, the spread can reach 0 pips, however, it requires payment of commissions of the internal overlap system. In general, the cost of making transactions ranges from 0.6 to 1 pip.
Account history
List of complete completed transactions and non-trading operations on the trading account.
Short position
Selling an instrument counting on a fall in the rate. For currency pairs: selling the base currency for the quote currency.
This is the ratio between the amount of the collateral and the volume of the trade: 1: 1, 1: 5, 1:10, 1:20, 1:40, 1:50, 1: 100, 1: 200. Leverage 1: 200 means that in order to execute a transaction, you need to have an amount on the trading account 200 times less than the transaction amount.
Interbank Quotes
Quotes that are considered the benchmark for making transactions in the market. Quotes at which the positions of IdalForex clients are overlapped. In case of quotation failures, the client has the right to file a claim based on the quotes of the interbank market.
Initial margin
Cash collateral required by the Company to open a position.
Required margin
Cash collateral required by the Company to maintain open positions.
Non-market quotation
A quote that meets each of the following conditions:
- the presence of a significant price gap;
- return of the price within a short period of time to the initial level with the formation of a price gap;
- absence of rapid price dynamics before the appearance of this quote;
- the absence at the time of its appearance of macroeconomic events and / or corporate news that have a significant impact on the rate of the instrument.
Non-trading operation
The operation of depositing to the trading account (withdrawing funds from the trading account) or the operation of granting (returning) a loan.
Backed quote
A quote that is present in the client's terminal, but is no longer current on the server. It can occur with a sharp price movement (more than one quote per second), or poor quality Internet on the client side - ping for more than 1 second. Usually it does not affect trading in any way, unless the client uses an Expert Advisor that makes multiple requests.
Liquidity Provider
A bank that provides both quotes and the ability to open (reopen) clients' transactions.
Item (pip, pips, pip)
The minimum price change is usually the fourth decimal place. 0.0001 for EURUSD
Referral Link
A special element that is attached to the link, which turns the link into a referral - after clicking on this link of any person - data is written to his computer in cookies (your agent number) - and in case of registration - he becomes your referral - after which you receive profit from every transaction he makes. A referral link can be made after registration in your account.
Referral tag (promo tag, promo code)
Any word or set of symbols that you can assign to your account in your personal account - after which any person who enters them in the field during registration will become your referral. And you will make a profit for every trade he makes.
Closed position
The market position for which the reverse transaction was performed and the settlement was made.
Technical analysis
The section for studying the market using various indicators and other elements.
An automatic software system that makes or offers to make a deal in the Metatrader 4 program.